Being a Leader


Being a Leader

Oh dear …oh dear … what have just happened here,
The jungle lost its lion, now who will shape and steer?

Confused was the state, carelessness was the show when you marched inside,
Clarity with a view, ideas brimming new as you leave aside.

Vivacious were your thoughts, ebullient was your energy as you passed on to all,
Explaining the process with articulacy and care,                              
                                        you made everyone equipped and not to fall.

Success and failure you dealt it similarly on the go,
The tenacity rubs on us, encouraging our courage and it shows,

Our Tuesday meetings may begin with plethora of things to be done,
Zillions of complications, and we wouldn’t know where to run.
But you make sure we have a strategy and sensational plan,
We all know how inspirational you are, oh my good man.

You held the ship tight even when the profits fell slight,
you made us believe there is always a way to show and fight.

We wish you all success on your journey and let your spark enlighten the team around you,

Our leader may go…. but his legacy will always continue.



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