50 and More


Unknown was the place, unheard was the name,

Always felt it is going to be a setup which lures lot of fame;

Plethora of experience surround me in an ever-buzzling room,

I felt the energy to learn fast and let the Data knowledge groom;


The first TGIF written on a green board, set up a start for fun filled events from there on,

We build a wonderful team environment and even got the wall imprinted orange hands on;

With ever improving quality of work our employees were carving a legacy of their own,

A busy day with good lunch and tea break games ends with a smile which is always shown;


The team got bigger and better as we bring in more smart minds into the floor,

Thanks to the management for making us feel comfortable

 even when Covid was out next door;

Now we are 50 strong employees waiting to win over every obstacle coming our way,

Be a proud Alationaut! Enjoy your wonderful experience in Alation each and every day;




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